Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Another day has passed..

Geesh, I hope no one reads my blog, because it isn't suppose to "go to public".

Another terrible day.

Don't ask why.

I know I whine a lot.

But that's just the way I behave when I am stressed up.

Forgive me God, for not trusting you completely. Forgive me for being weak.

Why can't I heal after so long? Why am I hurting? Why am I becoming worse?

I hate to count cars.

I need to stop counting the cars.

I wish I could go away to somewhere far, somewhere I would not bump into close friends.

I wish to see the hills, the meadows.

I want to visit koko in USA. I want to experience different things.

I really need a break.

I need to find new inspiration to motivate me, to progress further.

I need to, even if I am not ready yet.

It's time to move on, Joanne. Please take yourself out from sadness. What's the point of making yourself looking like a dumb ass?

Get out.


Let it go.

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